Even though you may feel pressured to be more outgoing and extroverted,
especially during your job search, don’t despair: Introverts possess many
strengths, many of which are even admired by employers.
If you haven't already admitted
you're an introvert, you may need to recognize the characteristics of one.
Introverts prefer to think before they act. They regain energy by being alone.
They need time to formulate ideas in their heads before talking about them.
They prefer depth over breadth; this is true of relationships and information.
An introvert prefers fewer deep and meaningful relationships over hundreds of
contacts. Introverts also tend to dive deep into topics they're interested in.
Creativity, strategizing and remaining calm under pressure are several other
strengths not to overlook. Self-awareness is the first step to appreciating the
desirable qualities and overcoming those that limit your career and job search.
1. Meet people one-on-one. The thought of networking in a
big crowd is scary, repulsive, intimidating and many other less-than-positive
descriptors to an introvert. It isn't as though they can't network--they