Tuesday 14 May 2013

What not to say after the interview.

It’s that time after the interview; when interviewers give you the opportunity to ask your own questions. While unlikely to make an employer totally reverse an opinion about you, when done well, the questions you ask will help you stand out from a crowd of applicants. Consider that a lot of employers interview numerous candidates, many of whom gave similar answers to a series of basic questions. If you want hiring managers to
remember you favorably, ask questions that will show that you are enthusiastic about the job at hand, know the direction the company is headed, and know about the industry trends. Also be humble but firm, and knowledgeable but not all knowing.  At all times, try not to ask generic questions, but specific and unique questions that will help you stand out.

There are many questions you could ask, or statements you could make, but here are two statements that we think you shouldn’t say- because they are too general.

1. "Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position."
It's lovely to say this as you begin the interview, but not as one of the questions you pose yourself. The introduction question needs to be a little more in-depth to make an impression. If you really want to stand
out, consider briefly referencing an off-handed comment the interviewer made, especially if you think it will help the person remember you favorably. For example, "Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position. Since you mentioned you are busy with the XYZ project, it was so thoughtful of you to spend an hour with me. I hope you'll agree, based on my qualifications and background in ABC, I could quickly and easily jump in to help your team achieve its next big goal."

Continue by offering one or two specifics that relate to your conversation.

2. "I believe my qualifications are perfect for this job."

Great! You think you're qualified, but what proof can you offer? Don't say you're qualified unless you can back it up with some specifics. Ideally, the specifics should come directly from the interview. For example, perhaps the interviewer asked about how you perform on a team, and you gave a great answer. Reiterate your pride in being a great team player and mention another example of your prowess in that area, referring to specific projects that you handled, and the academic and professional qualifications that relate to the job.

If you want the job, it's worth the time to ask in-depth, effective questions that inspire the interviewers to want to learn more about you. Follow up questions are your chance to stand out; making sure the employer's impression of you is positive, which in turn helps you have a much better chance to move on to the next stage of the hiring process.


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