Tuesday 23 April 2013

4 Ways to rise faster in your Career.

If your dream is to move up the career ladder quickly, and gain more experience and skills, here are four ways you can do it.

1. Don’t ask for promotion too soon. Employers want to promote you to keep you happy—it's in their best interests—but it's possible that you asked for a promotion too soon and before you were ready. Are you sure you're mature enough in your job to take on a higher title? Do you have the leadership and teamwork skills that such a position would require? Before you get upset at being passed over, take an honest look at your answers.

2. Go the extra mile. You don't get promoted for doing your job, you get paid for it. Getting promoted is about doing more than expected, discovering opportunities, and providing immense value. If you meet
expectations, feel free to pat yourself on the back, but don't be surprised when you can't climb the ladder. To get ahead, you don't need to be a workaholic, but you do need to go above and beyond your current responsibilities.

3. A promotion isn’t always about salary increase. A better title doesn't always mean a better paycheck. If your company can't afford to give you a raise, they may turn down your request for a promotion altogether. If you're only interested in more challenges and responsibility, make it clear you're willing to forgo a potential salary increase at the start, and request a three-month review after you've proved yourself.

4. Have the right attitude. Yes, you get the work done—you may even bring fantastic results—but you do so grudgingly. You believe you know better than anyone else at the company, and make sure everyone knows it. Likeability at work is just as important as crossing tasks off your to-do list; managers and employees alike want to enjoy coming to work and if you make that difficult, expect a long road ahead.


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