Wednesday 12 June 2013

Medicine, engineering students to pay higher fees.

Public University students will no longer pay the same fees in three months time, The permanent secretary for education, Joseph Kaimenyi has said. Previously, all students in the regular degree programs would have paid the same amount of fees, regardless of how cost intensive their course would have been. The new system of payment, known as’ differential unit payment’ will see fees for medicine students rise by as much as five times, if figures from parallel degree programs are anything to go by.
In parallel degree courses, Medicine students pay about kshs.600,000 per year, engineering students pay about 200,000 shillings per year, Science students pay about kshs.150,000 per year, while Arts students pay about kshs. 100,000 per academic year. This will likely se many poor students struggle in paying the fees, unless HLB increases their loan allocation amounts. In the same proposal also, lecturers in the science, engineering and medical courses would earn a higher salary than their Arts counterparts.


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